Rotor Work Limited Safety Policy
At Rotor Work Limited, all Senior Managers are fully committed to aviation safety and providing a safe working environment for all employees. Our aim is for management and employees to work in an effective partnership to promote an accident-free workplace by taking all practicable steps to ensure the safety of others in the vicinity of our workplace. Safety goals, objectives, and performance targets will be established and reviewed regularly as part of our SMS to monitor our safety progress. This Safety Policy will also be reviewed annually.
To ensure compliance with the objectives of the Health and Safety at Work (HSWA) Act 2015, the HSWA Regulations 2016, and the Civil Aviation Act 1990, all staff are to be familiar with this safety policy and comply with the company values set out below to achieve zero harm [Element 6.1]. Rotor Work Limited will ensure that no action will be taken against any person who discloses a safety concern, unless such disclosure indicates, beyond any reasonable doubt, that there has been an illegal act, gross negligence, or a deliberate or wilful disregard of regulations or procedures.
Together WE STRIVE to be the best that we can be.
We will always look out for everyone’s WELLBEING by having an open and communicative environment. We will take all practicable steps to encourage proactive employee consultation and participation in the development and implementation of safe working practices, including early reporting of safety concerns. People before Work!
Everyone will operate in an ETHICAL manner, always considering our impact on the environment and the safety of others. Therefore, Hazards must be identified and controlled through a process of elimination, isolation or minimisation.
We aim to always put SAFETY first and foster a positive safety culture. This is achieved by having well trained and competent staff to ensure full compliance with the objectives of Health and Safety while at work. The heart of our SMS is our online Auditz system. This makes reporting simple and allows us to freely share all safety information and directives amongst all branches, employees, contractors and clients.
Staff are our biggest asset and are encouraged to always work as a TEAM. We look out for one another by helping whenever requested by sharing the workload and offering support. Management provides additional support and resources to ensure a safe and efficient workplace for everyone to thrive in.
REPUTATION is everything. Therefore, we will endeavour to set high company standards across the company and operate in a professional manner. We aim to provide our clients with a safe and efficient service by integrating SMS principles throughout our business and workplace.
We see ourselves as an INDUSTRY LEADER in the aviation field. This is promoted by a system of continuous improvement and innovation within our Systems, Services and Safety, through a process of setting targets, measuring, reviewing and improving.
Everyone is to exhibit the following core VALUES while representing Rotor Work Limited - gratitude, respect, courtesy, honesty, empathy, kindness, integrity and commitment. We aim to always put in an honest day’s work to better ourselves and the company.
We aim to ENJOY what we do and always have a positive can-do attitude and limit the negativity. We focus on having a sense of pride about what we do and how we do it. It is important to acknowledge the achievements of all staff, both past and present for what they have contributed to Rotor Work Limited over the years to make this company a great place to work and thrive in.
Together WE STRIVE to be the best that we can be!

Trent Dellow
CEO | Rotor Work Ltd